I was born and raised on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I trusted Christ as my personal Saviour when I was 11 years old at a youth meeting which my cousin had invited me to at the Gospel Light Baptist Church of Mechanicsville, MD. Sadly to say I did not immediately surrender my will to Christ nor did I begin to attend a Bible believing church. I spent my teen years living for myself and seeking satisfaction from the world. I went through junior high, high school, and then off to college with almost no knowledge of the Bible and without any growth as a Christian. After college I moved to Pasadena, Maryland and began working for my family's sheet metal manufacturing company. I happened to move right down the street from a old-fashioned, Bible believing Baptist church. I noticed the church while moving in and thought that if I ever decided to attend church that I would try that one. The following Sunday I woke up and figured since I had 'nothing better to do' that I would visit the church up the street. From the moment the first note was struck on the piano of the first service I attended the Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart. Through the preaching that morning I was reminded of the miracle that had took place in my life 12 years before, how I had asked Christ to come into my heart and save my soul, how He'd saved me and delivered me from an eternity in Hell. That morning during the invitation I went down to the altar and told God if He would have me back that I'd serve Him with my life. It was then, at 23 years-old, that I finally found what I had been searching for my whole life - purpose.
The Pastor, Paul Arcand, began to work with me, teaching and expounding the Word of God more perfectly to me. After about 10 months I felt like the Lord was leading me to go to Bible college and further my training in service for Christ. In January of 2011 I began attending Commonwealth Baptist College in Lexington, Kentucky. I began to absorb as much as I could and got involved in all that I could. I allowed the Word of God to continue to transform my life, I hungered for the power and filling of the Holy Spirit - begging God to use me. In May after my first semester was over Pastor Fugate offered to move me into a parsonage on the property of Clays Mill Road Baptist Church and be in charge of security of the property. I spent that entire summer volunteering at the Church each day - going soul-winning, cutting grass, filing paperwork, making visits, and whatever was needed. That August Pastor Fugate hired me on part-time church staff while I was in Bible college and I would slowly transition to full-time staff by the time I had graduated Bible college.
It was at Clays Mill Road Baptist Church that I would meet my wife, Stephanie, who grew up under the ministry of Pastor Fugate and had graduated from Commonwealth Baptist College with her Masters degree in 2010. In 2013, just a few years after I moved to Kentucky, we got married.
It is now our pleasure to teach an adult Sunday school class and serve in the ministries of Clays Mill Road Baptist Church. Please follow us on Twitter @victryforchrist or on Facebook at @Joseph Pickens.
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